Tuesday, July 8, 2008

well, I tried to post video of me and steve-o sailing down the lake (no joy on that one) so some still pics are the best I can do. Mike I guess I haven't changed much since those days on the Basin as we couldn't resist putting up a sail out on the lake in stiff wind. we used a ten by fourteen foot tarp. As i said in the video "we don't have much say in where we're going, but we're going there pretty quick"

I tried using the kicker for a tiller but it was sluggish at best.
Oh one other thing bouncing around inside the messy foolish mind, brought forth by Jason's soon to be trip home and his food list. To me as a kid growing up going to the city(halifax-dartmouth) meant one thing.....sunnyside donuts. Tim Horton's is a johnny come lately also ran to these guys. Anyone else remember sunnyside donuts? gimme a holla back, as the kids say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember, I also remember going to the city when there was no Hwy and it was a long long almost 4 hour drive. All though the 2/3 gravels that mom pumped into us so we did not get sick, kept me a sleep for awhile, it was still a long day up, and back, Sunnyside was a welcome site to get out of the car for a bit. I don’t know why mom thought we would get sick; we were never given the chance to go on a long drive with out being drugged up